Animals View Life From A Differnet Perspective
My psychic readings with animals have demonstrated one common thread: they possess unconditional love and have come into the world to aid humans in doing the same.
Unconditional love does not involve feeling affectionate or enthusiastic at all times; rather it means aligning with the natural order of things; learning from mistakes and moving on without holding grudges against people or holding grudges against yourself. Unconditional love means moving forward in life in accordance with one’s role; believing in oneself because that’s your right!
Wild animals display an interesting natural equilibrium that humans don’t yet witness. Sure, animals hunt, kill and eat each other – but there is an orderly process at work here that contributes to balance. Left alone (without human interference), animals feel good about themselves; trust themselves; love themselves AND share that love into the world.
Human beings take life in vastly different directions than animals do. 99.9999999% of us (myself included) struggle to understand and trust the natural order of things around us, forcing ourselves to become better by trying harder or forcing ourselves towards loveability. It can be an exhausting cycle.
Animals demonstrate unwavering faith that unconditional love does not involve questions; they know it, live it and believe it. At its core, animal souls never doubt their right to exist as part of this world; no longer worried that their love might not match up to another individual, attracted by attractiveness or weight; rather they feel their presence is just part of life as one whole entity – no divisions between us humans or animal souls as balance reigns supreme; never have you heard an animal asking “Does My Dog Know I Love Her?” or something similar!
Each action, thought, or feeling they undertake is guided by unconditional love. Your dog does not spend their days worrying if you love them back or hoping he’s being good enough. Cats don’t bring gifts just so they can gain favor with you; rather they live knowing they love both you and them to the core of their beings.
Imagine this! Imagine feeling secure enough in yourself and the universe to never doubt whether or not your choices are appropriate or you belong in that particular role – imagine having total trust in its greater balance!
Does My Dog Know I Love Him/Her?” is Not Relevant
Have you been wondering, “Does my dog know I love her?” and doing things for her that strengthen that love? Doing more may feel necessary as humans often agree to things we don’t want to in order to improve relationships – be that giving extra, holding our tongues shut, or agreeing to things they may not want us to do in order to build strong bonds between themselves and other individuals.
To build the relationship, tell her often how special she is or give lots of treats in hopes that this will foster even more affection from them. Perhaps spending your free time doing things for her will show your affection, and in return will lead to her loving you back.
Love with beings who understand unconditional affection has nothing to do with what you DO – instead, you get their affection simply for being yourself! That’s all it takes for their love to reach its peak!
As soon as you settle into being your whole self with any animal in your life (instead of constantly asking “Does My Dog Know I Love Her? again and again), something big happens: it opens you up to even greater love of self and of others, while also helping your pet explore ways in which you may experience additional love for both of yourself – in ways you might not even realize before! Pets provide valuable feedback that pushes us toward further expansion – they tap in to us in ways we wouldn’t otherwise. They nudge us toward growth that might otherwise remain hidden!
(This information can also be found in my Animal Lessons book here.)
Love Begets Love
My dog doesn’t owe its loyalty to me; rather, I care for her simply because she loves me back – and vice versa. She will help me master whatever challenges arise along my journey – it’s that straightforward.
Unconditional Love exists regardless of our actions. We don’t discover it, make it happen or earn it; rather it comes freely as part of life itself and when we live love we experience its return without even trying.