Video Overview/Transcript: When Should I Euthanize My Dog | Did I Euthanize My Pet Too Soon? Check my YouTube Channel for videos featuring animal messages-in-spirit.
Hi! My name is Danielle MacKinnon and I have over two decades of experience as an animal communicator. Through my work, I’ve gained an in-depth knowledge about animal deaths and deaths-in-care processes as well as what our animal friends need us to understand about these processes; therefore I will help you determine when euthanizing a dog should occur.

Why Animals Enter Our Lives
Animals come into our lives to assist in our personal and spiritual development, living lives of service in this process. Once an animal has done its part in teaching us something about ourselves, they know when it’s time for them to leave this lifetime; their departure depends on both soul needs and what was accomplished during this lifetime.

Some animals choose to pass away through an accident, disease, old age or abuse while others opt for euthanasia as their method. When an animal decides euthanasia is their chosen route of passage they will begin sending signs to humans to make this decision themselves; gradually these messages become more persistent until someone makes their final choice on behalf of the animal they represent.

Animals Are Tuned Into Human Emotions
Animals have an intuitive sense of their human’s resistance, fears and worries; when it is decided when and why to euthanize a dog, this decision has come directly from its animal companion – there can be no mistake here; when an owner finally decides it must euthanize their pet due to what their animal told them it was time, that’s because their animal drove their energy in such a way that their own decision has become inevitable due to this connection between animals and people!

If you euthanized your pet and feel guilty or regretful about it, remember that they chose this route of departure as part of their wishes for passing. Your action honored their deepest soul desires in this manner.

Who Is in Charge? When making decisions to euthanize our dog or pet, ultimately they have ultimate control of the process. They decide when and how they pass away while taking into consideration our soul’s needs and the goals for their lifetime here on Earth. While this decision can be hard, trust that your animal knows what’s best.

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