Search Social Media For Psychometric Abilities Are You Curious to Discover Unused Psychic Abilities
Social media provides a fun and easy way to test for psychic abilities! Simply examine emails, tweets and Facebook updates in your inbox or feed in order to assess innate psychic senses and detect unexplored abilities! Psychic senses offer this easy test allowing users to easily discover undiscovered psychic abilities!
Your Thumbs Up There are four most prominent psychic senses, clairvoyance (psychic sight), clairaudience (psychic hearing), clairsentience (gut feelings) and claircognizance (inner knowing). We all possess these abilities as infants but as adults often shut them off over time – in most cases however these senses were never completely closed and we remain unknowingly open. To gain more understanding, let’s see how clairsentient, clairvoyant, claircognizant and clairaudient people would act when meeting new people – check out how your social media presence could actually serve as a psychic abilities test!
Clairvoyance is one of the best-known psychic senses. People who possess this psychic sense tend to be highly creative; information often arrives as images or flashes from movies. Their first observations upon meeting new people would include appearance, clothing style, hair color and style as the primary indicators. If this describes you then take the social media psychic abilities test and examine how often your language changes: do you say things such as “I’ll see you later”, “It looks to me like…” and “I look forward to reading your tweets”? If that happens then chances are your primary psychic sense could well be clairvoyance!
Clairaudient people tend to take note of the sound of people’s voices before anything else; they hear guidance in their heads (which sometimes seems similar to “voices”, though less loud!). For the social media psychic abilities test of clairaudience, try writing phrases such as: “I hear what you’re saying!” or “I can’t wait for your tweets!”.
Someone with clairsentience will pay close attention to how comfortable they feel around a new person, paying particular attention if this person makes them nervous, sick to their stomach or causes goosebumps – this is what clairsentient people tend to focus on when making decisions based on emotions. To take the social media psychic abilities test for clairsentience write in posts: “I feel something” and “It feels like…” or even better: “Your tweets make me feel…”
Finally, one of the least trusted (but most common) psychic senses is claircognizance. This inner knowing causes people to suddenly come up with ideas they weren’t even aware they had until someone brought it up during conversation. Since claircognizant information does not arrive through any obvious channels (seen, heard or felt), it may be hard for others to trust its reliability; people with strong claircognizant abilities often want stimulation when meeting new people while “I think” phrases tend to predominate when writing by these individuals.
Once you’ve used social media as an instrument of psychic abilities testing, take a look at your friends’ comments and posts in order to assess THEIR psychic capacities!
Are you curious to hone in on your psychic powers? Take my online Soul Level Psychic 101 course!