When I posed the question about money blocks to you all on Facebook recently, I wasn’t prepared for such an overwhelming response! People wanted to understand why, despite your best intentions and lifestyle changes, money still wasn’t moving in your favour.
From my years as an intuitive and coach, I’ve come to recognize that money blocks or any concerns regarding financial security often aren’t caused by money at all!
What does money represent for you, and why do you desire more of it in your life? Before continuing reading, take a minute or so to think through these questions honestly and respond honestly.
Most people understand money to symbolize security, safety, freedom from worry, and support. Therefore, when people look for money they’re really searching for peace of mind; and money seems like the ideal means of accomplishing that goal.
Money may seem like the ultimate source of security in this world; however, is money really the answer? If your sense of security relies solely on how much money you possess – then the amount will never suffice in meeting all your needs – even though regardless of how much someone may have saved up – they must spend at least some of it to live so their stockpile of funds continues to decline and feeling secure will wane over time.
What if, instead of trying to change external circumstances, we worked on changing how we view ourselves inside? By changing your beliefs so that you were loving and supporting yourself regardless of external conditions? I know I sound romantic but truly this is where it must start: when we work on changing how we feel on the inside this will then show itself outside: when opportunities, people, jobs, experiences and yes even money begin appearing accordingly!
Are You Wondering Why Money Hasn’t Came into Your Life Yet? Perhaps one reason may be why more money hasn’t entered into your life is due to you focusing on the wrong spot: Money instead of an untrue belief within that tells you to fear being unsafe in this world?
Attracting success doesn’t happen through manifesting or affirmations alone – as long as you believe yourself unsafe in this world, success won’t come. Instead, working on any misbeliefs which lead you to believe money (or anything else for that matter) is your solution to everything is the answer to all of your worries.
Answers lie within, the key being your beliefs! Once you truly believe you’re safe, supported and protected in this world – that will become reality – but you have to look (and work!) in the appropriate places!