Since I began practicing professional psychic and Animal Communicating two decades ago, and training others to develop their psychic senses almost simultaneously, I have taught countless others how to develop theirs as well. Recently I conducted a demonstration with around 150 attendees at Omega Institute Rhinebeck NY where I discovered something surprising…
Half of those attending my talk had no idea that it is possible for anyone, regardless of background, to tap into their psychic powers. Many were unaware that we all start life out being psychic but then shut it off around five years old.
Another large portion of the audience knew it was possible to become psychic, yet had tried developing their psychic senses without success. These individuals thought you needed “the gift” in order to use intuition – unaware that developing psychic senses is accessible to everyone; all it takes is finding a pathway that works best for them!
By the time they come to my psychic and animal communication school, individuals have already attempted to open their psychic abilities with various methods; either none seem to work, some do work but not consistently enough, or perhaps intuitive data has come through but they’re not trusting it yet.
This situation, albeit common, prevents many from fully exploring their psychic senses and developing them to their fullest. I call this phenomenon Psychic Frustration; and luckily it can be easily resolved!
Frustration with Your Psychic Development Here are several things you can do right away to feel more at ease when developing psychic senses – these tried-and-tested tips have worked for my students for years!
Begin your quest by taking my Am I Psychic Quiz here.
Take The Risk No matter which approach or course of study you select, learning won’t occur until you take the risk and let out of your head what you know and express it out loud. Most people want to connect psychically, gather all their data together, sort through it all mentally and make sense of what it all means before sharing their insight – but the best way to verify if what was received makes sense is simply SPEAK IT OUT and see. Take that leap!
Be in Align
Make sure that you really like and appreciate who is teaching you. Learning doesn’t need to be intimidating, intimidating or make us feel small – effective psychic learning comes through an open space of sharing, playfulness and support! If your current teacher makes you uncomfortable when asking dumb questions – find another!
Laugh. To truly open your psychic senses, laughter may be the single most effective strategy! Attachment can get in the way of opening one’s psychic senses – the harder we try, the fewer possibilities are open for psychic information to flow freely. But laughter acts as an opener! Laugh at yourself, at what information comes through and even at how hard we want to develop our psychic senses!
Try an Alternative Approach! I offer both psychic development courses (called Soul Level Psychic) and animal communication courses ( called Soul Level Animal Communication). Many individuals looking to expand their psychic senses have actually taken one of my animal communication courses as part of this effort! Animals have become adept at communicating psychically over time; so they act like power pills from old arcade games like Pac Man! In these connections they evaluate you to determine the message most likely for you to comprehend – sort of like “Lion Eyes.”
Develop Your Psychic Senses
My answer to the question “Can everyone develop psychic senses?” Yes! While for some it might be easier than others due to not shutting off as many psychic abilities while young, everyone can consciously develop psychic senses – and I believe all should!