Pet Euthanasia from an Animal Communicator’s Perspective
As an animal communicator, people frequently ask me for my perspective on pet euthanasia when they discover what I know about animal crossing over. Many feel guilty over it as well.

Here are three things animals have taught me about pet euthanasia that will hopefully give you insight into their perspective of it and provide comfort during your search for pet loss support services.

Animal Grief and Euthanasia
Pets plan their passing as much as anyone. From choosing who and what will be there when they die to selecting what illness or injury will kill them – everything happens at an unconscious soul level that influences every decision in regard to euthanasia as part of that big picture.

Euthanasia can be used to put an animal to sleep for various reasons – car accidents, old age and more often than not simply their fear of dying are among these. I have made a more in depth video called “Are Animals Afraid to Die?” that provides more details.

Did You or Your Pet Choose Pet Euthanasia? As I don’t live with animals myself, I can only speculate as to all of the factors at play; but what I do know is that animals consider all aspects of their environment (including humans) when making decisions about euthanasia. They take everything into consideration before choosing their path forward based on individual circumstances.

if you’ve found yourself questioning why you chose euthanasia for your pet, and wondering whether waiting longer would have been wiser… Well, I want you to understand that at some level the animal itself is driving these decisions for you.

Accidental Deaths
Although you may think you’re taking an intentional step toward helping your pet cross over, calling the veterinarian, etc. ; in reality they know what’s best in the long run, so they are orchestrating things at a very deep level so you make that decision for euthanasia on their behalf.

When I connect with animals who have passed on, none have come forward and made themselves known to me directly.

“That was an accident,” actiunehed she, “because I wasn’t supposed to pass yet.

“She should not have euthanized me.

“This is an issue.”
Unfortunately, things don’t work that way. They plan it and then get us to follow their plan without us realizing it! And this happens with every passing of a pet; every way.

I have heard people offering pet loss support say things like, “It was just his time…” These individuals don’t realize the profound truth they are speaking of!

Animals Do Not Hold Grudges After Euthanasia Contrary to popular belief, when you euthanize an animal you aren’t cutting the relationship off and creating an atmosphere in which that animal will hold any grudges against you or become angry with you.

Many people fear animal communication readings because they helped their pet cross over, thinking their pet will hold it against them for doing so. But it doesn’t work like that.

As soon as an animal crosses over to the Other Side – whether through euthanasia or any other means – they now gain access to even more of the big picture, more information and will do even more to assist your growth, evolution and connection to them as you evolve with time.

Your Pet Doesn’t Want Regret
Animals do not wish for regret when it comes to their lives – be it through euthanasia or any other circumstance such as leaving the door open so your dog runs outside and is hit by a car, for instance, or feeling that “I should’ve taken my cat to the vet earlier”. Whatever “should have” feelings may arise for us humans, animals have specific desires of their own that we need to remember when speaking of animals as companions.

As we grieve the death of a pet, it can be easy to lose perspective: Our animals simply don’t want us wasting our energy worrying over HOW they went home.

They truly want us to find joy, grow, and gain from their passing; not dwelling on what we did or did not do for them during their life.

If you find yourself grieving while simultaneously feeling guilt-ridden and terrible, that guilt will hinder the grieving process and bring no peace. Grieving should be taken on as part of an overall healing journey to bring about healing and harmony in your life.

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