Rewriting Soul Contracts and Breaking them

Soul Contracts, as I have come to recognize through my two decades as a psychic reader, can be quite different than most people imagine. Exploring and working with your Soul Contract is an empowering experience that will allow both personal and spiritual growth.

Are Soul Contracts Negative? Most people who discover they have a Soul Contract tend to view it negatively. As soon as they discover they do indeed have one, however, many ask how they can renegotiate or break it – which unfortunately is not possible; what’s possible instead is mastering them, which in fact is exactly the goal!

Are Soul Contracts Unbreakable? Everyone strives for self-love and their Soul Contracts help them do just that.

Four ways that we experience not having achieved unconditional love yet include believing we don’t:

As part of your Soul System, Soul Contracts serve to identify which lessons were assigned to us at birth and give a guideline on which ones are more urgently required for development (read my Contracts to learn more.). They serve a similar function in that respect for adults too! (For a deeper dive, take a look at my Contracts here!)

Soul Contracts can be beautiful signs from our soul that point us in the right direction, even though they might initially seem negative. Breaking your Soul Contract would prevent you from discovering where inner work needs to take place.

Soul Contract Lesson Examples A Soul Contract that states you will always remain loyal to your friends could be seen as an attempt to learn that you are worthy of love no matter the cost. Here are five specific examples.

If you find that it is essential for you to be the best at everything you do, your Soul Contract could be leading you toward finding out that you are good enough.

Are You Afraid of Being in the Spotlight? One of Your Soul Contracts could Be Rewarding you With Safe Feeling and Protection in this World

Look Deeper into the Benefits mes When you feel stuck in life and think it might be your Soul Contract holding you back, take another look. Sometimes when we know our type, our Soul Contract can just show us where we need to look!

As soon as you know where to look, it becomes much easier to identify and grasp your underlying lessons. Once mastered, life becomes much simpler; decisions become clearer; results of whatever goal you set become more fulfilling; life becomes happier and broader in scope.

Instead of revising Soul Contracts, why not learn from them so you can experience the growth that brought you here in this lifetime!?

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