What Does Being Intuitive Mean: Sensing Vs Intuition
Intuition can be defined as either sensing or intuitive perception. There’s an overlap between intuition and instinct but many don’t recognize its difference until they try it themselves – what happens with psychic readings for instance! But just how exactly does intuition work or even mean in terms of definition if sensing and intuition overlaps at all?
Don’t miss the three exercises below to explore more about your own intuition!
Starting From Scratch
We Are All Intuitive Everyone is born with their intuition fully in place. No matter your parents or where or when you were born; intuitive thinking comes naturally.
As society discredits intuition, by five years old we have shut off our senses.
Did you know that intuition is insidious and will find ways to manifest in your life without you even realizing?
As a teenager, I found myself being the go-to advice provider for many of my friends. They came to me for guidance and sought my opinion. At first, I thought they were simply being kind – now, however, I realize it was my intuition at work in providing such advice.
Ever come across someone new and, before shaking their hand, feel uncomfortable? That is your intuition at work – once recognized.
Sensing, Instinct, and Intuition
Sometimes intuition disguises itself as intelligence, gut-instinct, sensing or even coincidence; unfortunately our society encourages this interpretation instead of intuitive insights! Society tells us to disregard instances where intuition clearly works – in other words it teaches us not to see when our gut instinct or intuitive hit are working and so you must look past instances when intuition may indeed be at work in your favor!
Assume you came up with your answer quickly because of your quick-wittedness. Trust in past experience to assist with success. Shun any thoughts of prescient predictions; the call from someone may simply have been coincidental.
Everything above can be seen as evidence that your intuition was at work – yet most people remain unaware!
What Is Intuition? Intuition comes in many forms. You might hear thoughts or hear sounds, see images or movies, feel emotions or body sensations or simply know things intuitively. There are numerous books about intuition as well as classes such as Soul Level Psychic to help develop it further.
Where Does Intuition Come From?
But where is this information coming from? Intuitive data doesn’t just appear out of nowhere – here are three sources that provide intuitive data:
Animals. Animals, like people, are born intuitive but learn to value and hone it as part of survival. Animal Communicators have developed their intuition so as to recognize intuitive data coming from animals.
Spiritual Guides/God: Another rich source of intuitive data comes from your Guides (God/Spirit – whatever term is most familiar to you). Many people rediscover their intuition simply through feeling connected to their Guides.
Energy Fields. Everything on this Earth has energy fields; each living thing contains an electromagnetic energy field that we all share. Within these energy fields resides intuitive data. If you were just thinking about reading a particular book, that book’s energy will have lodged itself within your energy fields – another source of intuitive insight!
Beloved Deceased Relatives. Our deceased loved ones can send intuitive information from beyond; often just wanting us to know they care for us is enough!
At any moment, intuitive data could be coming in from any of these sources. While most people who are learning how to develop intuition tend to focus their time connecting to one or two sources exclusively; you might discover yourself experimenting!
Exercise to find your intuition-
Now that everyone’s intuitive abilities exist, you may be curious as to how it applies specifically to yourself. Here are three simple exercises designed to uncover where your psychic powers lie:
Look at your relationships from an outsider’s point of view: What requests or advice do people seek from you, do they find you quick-witted or humorous, do they appreciate when you intervene for them, etc?
At times, our intuition may work without us realizing it; but our friends often take advantage of it. Pay attention to what most people really need from you (in my case – they wanted my advice because it was intuitive!).
Begin to focus on the language you use. Are you saying things such as, “It looks like…”, “I feel like…”, “It sounds like…” or “I think?” Simple phrases such as these offer insights into how you perceive the world. Personally, I tend to use terms like these regularly because my intuition often comes through emotions and my sense of feeling.
Keep an eye out for your reactions to colors in your environment, whether that’s lime green room or any color you adore, such as being exposed to an overwhelming rainbow hue – what is your reaction? Observe whether it makes you uncomfortable, causes tears to fall from your eyes or just causes you to take it all in! These reactions are all signs that your intuition is at work: feeling revolted indicates an open emotional center – likely signifying you’re one like me who needs emotional cues for guidance!
Wrap Up By now, hopefully you have an understanding of what intuitive means! If you want to expand on this subject further, click here and read further about developing intuition!