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(00:00):Wanting to know whether or not your pet has reached out? Here are three tricks to get them in contact! Set your connection with them!

Losing a Pet Can be Hard
My name is Danielle MacKinnon and I specialize in animal communication – otherwise known as pet psychic. My specialty involves teaching people how to connect psychically with animals while dealing with grief, guilt and sadness associated with losing beloved animal friends. Many of us suffer when losing our pets because other people around us simply don’t understand our grief: either thinking we love them too much, or believing they should have moved past it by now.

But it can be challenging. Grief never goes away completely; rather, its intensity shifts with time. If your pet died unexpectedly and you’re grieving their absence deeply, then perhaps there will be signs from him on their other side that help guide your healing.

Absolutely you can, and here are three quick tricks to do it. Pay close attention, because if you skip hack number three, all the other two won’t work as they should have. So just know that all three must be implemented successfully for optimal success.

Hack one: When missing our pets on the other side, what are we typically doing? Wishing they were here with us; hoping we get a sign; grieving over their absence and feeling lonely – yet not directly asking them for signs, messages or connections from them. By not asking directly you may not open up the energy needed for their sign to come through more easily – so tonight before bed, lay there and think of them – asking “Would you please give me some sign in the next few days? “.

Hello. Could I please receive a sign in the next few days? It’s that easy and it’s crucial that you remember this fact – your pet wants to deliver their message from beyond and form relationships with us, all you need to do is open up energy by asking. Our animals understand our intentions more readily once we make them clear and provide clarity around these.

People often think they need to resort to complex methods or be fancy to communicate their expectations to their pet, but that’s simply not necessary. All it takes is making your intentions known. I recently wrote a book called The Incredible Animal Afterlife: What Your Pet Wants You to Know which covers just this topic from animal perspectives through readings with them; hopefully this helps!

Stop Trying to Control Your Pet on the Other Side
Hack number two. First and foremost, recognize that animals have mastered unconditional love – something I often say during conversations with animals or as part of their message to me from them – which essentially means they know more than us humans and live at higher vibration levels compared to us; they even access more love than us and live longer! I know this all sounds woo-woo but consider it like this: Since humans don’t possess access to that sort of knowingness like animals do, what do we try do try do tackle?

(03:52): W e try to have control over everything; that shows itself by asking my pet on the other side for a sign and instructing them how they need to give it. I may tell them by telling their caller to come at 7AM on Tuesday morning – right? Unfortunately, however, we can’t dictate exactly how or when our sign will come because this is a shared journey and therefore outside our direct influence. Just get ready!

Animals have the unique ability to understand us better than we understand ourselves, allowing them to read us like books. So they may look at us and think: Oh yeah, Danielle would benefit most from receiving her sign this way; even though she may ask for one differently, but they know she will believe and trust it more easily when I do it this way.

Trust that they know what’s best for you and will deliver the sign in their own way – something which may be difficult. How often did your loved one follow every request from you while they were alive? Likewise now: they know which way is the best fit; just trust that they will do this in accordance with what best serves your interests – this one may take practice!

Make the Small Things Matter This hack is crucial, because without this step none of the other two will work. Although it may be annoying, we discussed asking and allowing it to come naturally – without trying to force or manipulate anything or anyone – and the lack of control also means no control of sign size either.

A lot of people will receive signs from their pets on the other side, yet not believe them; saying things such as, well, that’s just a coincidence or didn’t count. By giving up the belief that coincidence doesn’t matter and instead exploring each one for signs, your mind becomes open to possibilities, opening up more energy for signs to come from animal spirits and opening them up more readily to you as signs are revealed to you from them. The more often that occurs, the greater will be their signs!

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