Have you ever found yourself asking why your animal friend seems more like an extension of yourself than just another pet? It could be all down to soul attraction — an eternal contract formed long before meeting one another in this lifetime. And this connection doesn’t simply exist for cuddling or cuddliness — it serves a larger purpose of helping you become the best version of yourself with some encouragement from their animal counterparts. So let’s journey together into that magical realm where pets and human souls co-exist harmoniously!
What Is Soul Attraction? So, what exactly is soul attraction between ourselves and animals we care about?
Let’s disprove a myth right off the bat: animals do have souls — big, loving souls full of unconditional love that give animals so much pleasure in return. That deep pull towards your pet? That is your soul longing for some pure, nonjudgmental affection they give in abundance every single day.
Animals don’t waste their energy worrying whether or not they measure up. Their focus lies on self-love and quickly learning from mistakes rather than dwelling on mistakes, which we can learn from too! In fact, pets have come on our behalf with the goal of teaching us unconditional love – and they certainly have much to teach!
Can You Form a Soul Bond With Your Pet? Are You Associating Your Pet With Family Members or Are They Your Heart Wrapped in Fur (Or Scales or Feathers)? These feelings represent a Soul Level relationship between yourself and your pet – from excitement over seeing each other to frustration with any challenges the animal poses, it all belongs on this Level.
Your pet has an immense effect on you, nudging you towards growth, happiness, and even discomfort in order to foster soulful development. They serve as life teachers with invaluable lessons on love, life and everything in between!