Hey animal lovers and animal communicators! Are you curious to see how animal communication works? I have some insider tips that'll have you talking with your furry pals in no...
Today I will outline three innovative solutions you can take to help stop your cat from sneezing repeatedly. Many of my clients and readers of Animal Lessons book have utilized...
On the last day of my Animal Soul Connection retreat at Imiloa in Costa Rica, I organized an animal whale watching trip. My intention was for everyone in my group...
Rewriting Soul Contracts and Breaking them Soul Contracts, as I have come to recognize through my two decades as a psychic reader, can be quite different than most people imagine....
Did you know there are actual signs your deceased pet is still visiting with you from beyond the grave? Yes! They can send signs from beyond by using technology to...
Have you ever found yourself wondering what can't dogs eat? As dog owners, we often like sharing our food with our furry companions; however, it is important to be mindful...
Psychological and Physical Animals Coexist Communicating with animals telepathically is real. You may already believe this, or simply dabbling with the idea. Animals depend on their extra sensory perception to...
As our beloved pups go through the dying process, most of us want nothing more than to ensure their comfort. Here are 5 Tips to Comfort a Dying Dog by...
Kelso, my dog, died several years ago and while I miss him deeply, the experiences surrounding his passing profoundly transformed me and helped shape who I am today. Without Kelso's...
Video Overview/Transcript: When Should I Euthanize My Dog | Did I Euthanize My Pet Too Soon? Check my YouTube Channel for videos featuring animal messages-in-spirit. Hi! My name is Danielle...